Susan's Record 1971-1979




6-15-71    Psychologist Dr. Fischmann states that Susan ?does not tend to engage in verbal evasions, games and manipulations, and responds much more directly, frankly and sincerely [than her co-defendants].?  He goes on to say that Susan has a psychological facet that ?differs substantially from the features which characterize a ?manson girl.? Susan achieved a good rapport, expressed sincere feelings, was ready for a cathartic confession. She showed no trace of personal hostility or personal passive aggressivity.?

6-17-71    In her Initial Interview on Death Row, the Correctional Counselor stated Susan was ?very pleasant and friendly.? Correctional Officer stated ?she is adjusting well and is no problem in the unit.?

6-23-71    Psychiatrist Dr. Coburn, in his Psychiatric Evaluation, states that Susan ?was quite open regarding the instant offenses and was specifically warned of the public nature of her utterances in regard to any further prosecutions for the instant offenses. She described her involvement very openly...? She related that her codefendants react very coldly toward her, and the doctor states that her codefendants ?in fact had previously admitted having less than positive feelings toward this defendant...? He ends by stating that ?there is every likelihood that she will significantly change her outlook, her view of physical life and death, her relationship to society, etc. to the point where she would cease to be a danger.?

6-25-71   Psychiatrist Dr. Hensley states that ?At the present time there is no clear suicidal thinking or homicidal urges...? ?I suspect that if she does decompensate she will do so quietly, will become progressively more withdrawn and uncommunicative.?

6-30-71    Psychiatrist Dr. Roh states that Susan ?remained pleasant, polite and cooperative throughout the interview. She was oriented in all three spheres and in good contact with reality.?

7-12-71    Requested a Bible on Death Row.

7-20-71    Chaplain Walcutt states that Susan "seems open to talking in depth and is interesting to talk with."

7-21-71    Susan's Custodial Evaluation describes Susan as "attentive to her appearance", "usually neat and clean", Cooperative towards staff, and though she has no job assignment, she voluntarily cleans the Security Area.

7-21-71    Deathrow WatchWoman Hunt reports that Susan ?is accepting her situation here and going along with the rules.?

7-22-71    Probation Report states that when questioned, Susan ?responded eagerly,? and that ?she maintained a pleasant and poised manner, even when she had definite opinions regarding what she felt...?

8-30-71    Superintendent Carlson states that Susan ?has not presented any problems...? ?She appears more isolated and lonely than her two codefendants... She has more art work in her room than the other two women and has selected pictures which are both sensitive and sentimental. They are well chosen.?


3-29-72    Correctional Counselor stated that Susan ?was very emphatic and definite in her statements, and she tried to get the idea over that she will do whatever is asked of her while at the institution.?

3-22-72    Psychologist Dr. Boylan stated that ?Miss Atkins is capable of growing as a worthwhile and responsible person. She is not dangerous to herself or to others nor is she likely to evoke aggressive responses from others.?

3-30-72    Correctional Counselor stated that the trauma that Susan endured during her childhood ?all contributed to the present personality makeup...? His conclusion was that ?Looking back, it is quite obvious that she was in need of therapeutic help and perhaps, if she was given some of this help in her earlier years, the sequence of events that later came about might have possibly been altered.?

3-31-72    Psychiatrist Dr. Roh stated that Susan?s ?development potential was quite substantial.? ?Her violence potential was average in this institution and if released to the campus it would probably remain unchanged.? ?She showed positive changes in attitude...?

4-12-72    RGC Counseling Staff records that Susan is "more stable emotionally than when first evaluated and is cooperative." "No evidence of overt disorder of thought or affect... Positive changes in attitude. Development potential is substantial."

9-7-72     1972 Board Hearing

- Faulted for (Institutional behavior) - nothing

- Demands - none

10-30-72   Correctional Counselor stated that Susan ?has been friendly and cooperative? and that staff have made no adverse reports about her.

12-13-72    Vacation of Death Penalty.


3-7-73      Letter from Susan to Superintendent Ms. Carlson, disavowing any connection with the ?Manson family in or out of the institution.? Staff notes a ?great deal of anti-family sentiment.?

9-4-73      Psychiatrist Dr. Flanagan states that Susan?s occupational therapy ?has proven beneficial, particularly through the positive nature of her interactions with others. She is a pleasant person with whom to work.? He also mentions that she showed insight when she stated ?I?ve tried to wear everybody else?s personality. They just don?t fit. From now on, I?m just going to be me.?

9-7-73      1973 Board Hearing

- Faulted for (Institutional behavior) - nothing

- Demands - ?Get down to ... what God had to say about Himself.?

9-7-73      The Women?s Board of Terms and Parole states that, ?The Board noted that subject is ?searching and that is good.? The Board said that maybe there is a glimmer of hope for subject. The Board offered for subject?s consideration to ?get down to brass tacks and what God had to say about Himself.?  


7-25-74    Psychiatrist Dr. Roh states that Susan ?showed general improvement since the last interview.?

9-4-74       1974 Board Hearing

- Faulted for (Institutional behavior) - nothing

- Demands - ?Persue [sic] her spiritual interests.?

10-25-74   Dr. Black states, in a Chronological Therapy Session Report, that Susan's attitude was "that of a cooperative, friendly, verbal young woman." He also states that Susan appears to have learned to gain what she wants by directing her positive attitude.

12-16-74   Completed a History class through Chaffey College, receiving a ?B?.


3-21-75     Dr. Black stated that in his group therapy sessions Susan expressed legitimate concern about the emotional state of fellow prisoners.

4-9-75      Superintendent and Classification Committee acknowledges Susan?s deliberate break from ?family.?

5-8-75      Supervisor of Education states that Susan has done ?a tremendous amount of Bible study.?

5-16-75     Dr. Black records that Susan made an emphatic statement that she does not have anything to do with the ?family,? and she wants to document her dissociation with the ?family? and their conflicts. He also notes that Susan "continues to be more open and apparently emotionally honest with respect to her previous association and her personal experiences."

8-18-75     Psychiatrist Dr. Black states that Susan shows no ?gross defect in her judgment...? And he concludes that ?This woman has shown no tendencies to be a danger to others or to herself since her initial contact with me.?

9-75         Susan?s Case manager states that ?Susan is a pleasant appearing young woman, who relates to her peers with warmth and friendliness.?

9-4-75      1975 Board Hearing

- Faulted for (Institutional behavior) - nothing

- Demands - none



2-10-76    Susan is described as a ?hard worker, dependable.?

2-13-76    Susan received a Commendation Chrono for offering her time and effort to help Staff.

4-2-76      Susan received a Commendation Chrono from Staff for the assistance she displayed by helping staff carry another inmate over to the hospital.

4-20-76    Susan received a Commendation Chrono from Staff for volunteering to help without being asked.

4-21-76    Susan received a Commendation Chrono for doing extra work on the Unit.

6-25-76    Work Supervisor stated that Susan takes pride in her work and ?works without supervision.?

7-2-76      Susan received a Commendation Chrono from Staff for volunteering to clean up a health problem in the Psychiatric Treatment Unit.

7-6-76       Program Evaluation Committee states that in the last five years, Susan ?has no disciplinaries... has a good attitude, tries to get along with peers... Is respectful of staff.?

7-27-76     Psychiatrist Dr. Flanagan, who had known Susan for 15 months, stated that Susan told him she was once antisocial in nature. ?By contrast now for the first time in her life she feels patriotic to the point where she prays for her country and for those who have been elected to its administrative offices.? She states she is writing an autobiography, ?By describing her own conflicts and the mistakes she has made in attempting to solve them, she hopes to provide a useful service for others. Proceeds from this book are to be donated to a nonprofit Christian organization, the New Life Foundation, which she is organizing...? He claims Susan was ?expressing herself with some insight.? ?She has searched for guidance and direction...? ?She is substantially more consistent in her thinking and system of values and this is significant.? He concludes by stating that ?A fair prognosis is offered with respect to this woman becoming a conforming member of the community.?

7-29-76    Susan received a Commendation Chrono from Staff for volunteering to clean when the staff lost their aid.

9-76         Susan?s Counselor states that ?Susan is rated as a very good cottage citizen, quiet and considerate, with apparent excellent adherence to the cottage rules.? ?... during the last 6 months, Susan?s programming has been heralded by significant improvement in her emotional growth.? 

9-14-76    1976 Board Hearing

- Faulted for (Institutional behavior) - nothing

- Demands - none

9-14-76    Board states at Susan?s Board Hearing, that ?Panel was impressed with Susan?s sincerity and in her endeavor to carry out her new life style, goals... Time will be the true test of her stability.? ?Board explained... that they consider her making excellent progress...? ?They were very impressed at her improvement.?

9-14-76    Staff document that Susan shows an interest in helping peers going through emotional problems.

9-14-76     Lieutenant stated that Susan is good at adhering to rules, has a good attitude towards staff, and is friendly with peers. In addition he comments that she ?wants to help those peers who may be going through emotional problems.?

9-17-76    Work Supervisor states that Susan is a ?good worker? and that she works ?without supervision.?

9-17-76     Unit Progress Report states that Susan is enthusiastic and ?takes interest in those around her.? 

10-14-76   Susan was commended by the Women?s Board for her improvement since her last hearing.

10-14-76   Correctional Counselor stated Susan ?has a pleasant attitude. She is involved with Religious work and tries to get along with everyone. ... She has no disciplinaries to date...?

10-27-76   Occupational Therapist states that Susan is good at adhering to rules, shows a good attitude towards staff and peers, is a good worker, shows consistency in her work, always completes what she begins, and ?is regarded (non-verbally) by many of the residents as a good resource person...?

11-3-76    Staff stated that Susan was a ?reliable, mature, organized young women? who presents no problems.

11-30-76   Correctional Counselor stated that Susan ?has demonstrated above-average behavior in her living unit.? He also stated that Susan ?is not considered to be a custody risk ...?

12-1-76    PEC Committee said that ?Susan has demonstrated above-average behavior... does above-average work... and is not considered to be a custody risk.? They further commended her for being disciplinary free.

12-1-76    Lieutenant Gates states that Susan is good at adhering to rules, shows a good attitude towards staff and peers, and ?has been patient in the confusion over her Green Pass and program.?


2-1-77      Work Supervisor describes Susan as ?dependable and quiet...?

3-24-77    PEC Committee states that Susan ?has been disciplinary free, does well in her job assignment? and causes no problems on her unit.

3-31-77    Work Supervisor states that Susan has ignored peer pressure and that Susan has claimed that she ?may become stronger from it.?

3-31-77    Staff documents that Susan ignores peer pressure.

4-6-77      Superintendent, Associate Superintendent, and Correctional Counselor commend Susan for getting good reports from staff.

4-8-77      Susan received a Commendation Chrono from Staff for volunteering to work in the kitchen during her free time to help when there was a shortage of workers. ?Her cooperation and willingness to work was greatly appreciated by both staff and peers.?

6-16-77    Chief of the BPT, Howard Way, states that Susan will be a good parole risk someday.

7-28-77    Lieutenant states after 6 months in Susan?s housing unit, that Susan ?has always conducted herself in a mature and responsible manner. She is always pleasant... and appears to be a very positive element within PTU.?

7-28-77    Acting PTU Administrator commends Susan for being disciplinary free, showing good behavior, never abusing her privileges, improving work output, as well as her efforts in school and her housing unit.

7-28-77     PEC Committee stated that Susan is ?a source of stability on [her housing unit] for those less stable: [she] encourages women to do what is right and encourages them not to fight the system but to program and cooperate with staff and abide by the rules.?

7-28-77    House Supervisor for Susan?s housing unit stated that ?Susan has been very pleasant at all times; has done her work and can always be counted on to help where needed.

7-28-77    Lieutenant at housing unit states that Susan is ?thoughtful of others... She has not been a problem and has remained disciplinary free for quite a long period of time.?

8-3-77      Lieutenant in her housing unit stated that Susan was ?No problem. Respectful. Concerned and a stabilizing influence.? He also stated that she was no problem in supervising.

8-9-77      Program Administrator states that Susan ?is pleasant to all in her cottage, even when great stress is upon her. She is respectful towards staff and when she is wrong, will admit her error and make the necessary adjustment.? ?Susan gets along well with her peers and is a stabilizing person in the cottage.?  ?Susan has involved herself in religious activities and appears to be sincere in her beliefs. I believe her faith has a very positive effect on her behavior. If Susan continues with this attitude and behavior demonstrated during the past year, she should be able to live a crime-free life once she is paroled and released to the community.? He also notes that Susan received no disciplinary write-ups in more than six years.

8-30-77    Correctional Counselor stated that Susan ?demonstrated good behavior... continued to make good progress during the past several months, demonstrating a good work habit and a good attitude.?

9-77         1977 Board Hearing Postponed


10-77       Susan?s Counselor states that Susan has had no 115?s in more than six years. ?She is pleasant to all in her cottage, even when great stress is upon her. She is respectful towards staff...? ?Susan gets along well with her peers and is a stabilizer in her cottage.? ?If Susan continues with this attitude and behavior demonstrated during the past year, she should be able to live a crime-free life once she is paroled and released to the community.?

10-19-77   Susan received a Commendation Chrono from Staff for helping keep the office running well.

11-1-77     Lieutenant Arnold states that Susan has an exceptional attitude in regards to staff and that as far as her peers go, she ?gets along with everyone.? He also states that Susan never has to be reminded about her work and that she ?responds well to direction.?

11-9-77    Superintendent, Associate Superintendent, and Correctional Counselor validate Susan?s reading and sharing scripture with other inmates.

11-19-77    Susan received a Commendation Chrono for doing extra work.


1-19-78     Susan received a Commendation Chrono from Staff for ?excellent work in the PTU clerks office.? Staff stated that ?Susan shows a large degree of dependability and responsibility on her job.?

1-31-78      Susan is invited to speak at the Believer?s Fellowship of Lake Worth, FL., in response to her Book ?Child of God.? The West Palm Beach Sheriff?s Department agreed to supply security for Susan.

2-1-78      Work Supervisor states that Susan is exceptional in her skill and knowledge, as well as being exceptional in her use and care of State equipment. She also states that Susan ?shows the capability of being a fine clerk and typist. She a good worker and puts in a very productive day in the office.?

2-2-78      Lieutenant claims Susan has ?above-average? adherence to rules. ?Attitude toward staff: Exceptionally polite.? ?Relates well with all, job performance continues to be excellent. Responds to authority and direction well. Requires little supervision...? ?She also is influential in the unit in a religious vein and has been instrumental in beginning a religious group with staff supervision twice weekly. She can be a very positive stabilizer in the unit when weaker individuals need assistance.?

3-29-78     Superintendent, Associate Superintendent, and C&PR commend Susan for receiving ?very good grades? and very good ?comments from her school supervisor.?

4-78         Work Supervisor states that Susan ?has grown in both her work assignment, accepting and handling responsibility ...? She goes on to commend Susan for ?exceptional? skill and knowledge, as well as for ?exceptional? quality of work and ?exceptional use and care of State equipment.

4-4-78      Lieutenant claims Susan is Above-average in adherence to rules. ?Attitude towards staff: exceptionally polite.? ?Attitude towards peers: Friendly with all and a stabilizer on the unit.? Stated that Susan had ?continued to demonstrate consistent politeness and respect towards staff.?

4-12-78     Susan received a Commendation Chrono from Staff for taking the initiative with another inmate to clean the entire clerks office when the work wasn?t done by the House Aide. ?These women are the resident clerks and it is not their job to clean the office.?

4-20-78    Susan received a Commendation Chrono from Staff for all the extra hours she worked to assist staff and other inmates.

5-6-78      Susan received a Commendation Chrono from a Nurse for ?her thoughtfulness and help to an other resident who was bleeding profusely. She helped me place pressure bandages on the wrist. She showed much concern and dedication to the life of an other. I think she handled the situation very well. It is good to have someone like Susan during any emergency.?

5-7-78      Susan received a Commendation Chrono from Staff for volunteering in the Psychiatric Unit?s kitchen, as well as staying up late in the clerks office typing reports, as well as for being efficient and responsible.

5-8-78      Psychiatrist Dr. Roh, who had known Susan for eight years, stated that Susan has ?improved greatly through the eight years of incarceration in this institution as witness by the undersigned.? He also stated that she was functioning at her job ?with responsibility and competence...?

5-9-78      Susan received a Commendation Chrono from Lieutenant Magette for assisting in typing reports during a prison

5-13-78    Susan received a Commendation Chrono from Lieutenant Arnold for doing work ?always beyond expectations,? as well as for being ?respectful, polite and courteous.?

7-78         Program Administrator states that he has known Susan for approximately seven years, and that ?Susan has undergone dramatic changes since her arrival at CIW...? ?Subject?s positive attitude and behavior are reflected by her participation program. She... continually demonstrates a cooperative and helpful attitude. ... Susan attends church services each Sunday and is currently enrolled in a bible study course on an independent study basis.? ?It should be noted that subject has had no disciplinary documentation.?

7-20-78    1978 Board Hearing

- Faulted for (Institutional behavior) - nothing

- Demands - none

7-20-78    PEC as well as the Board [of Prison Terms] acknowledged the progress Susan has made. Correctional Counselor commended Susan for taking the Board decision with understanding, and for presenting herself well at both the Board Hearing as well as at the prison?s post-board hearing. The Board tells Susan not to be a ?goody goody toe shoes? because that?s dangerous in prison. (101) They also said she should be in a relationship. (148)

7-26-78    Superintendent and Associate Superintendent acknowledge that Susan has no difficulties or problems related to green pass privileges.

10-10-78   Lieutenant states that Susan is reliable and that her work is of ?exceptional? quality.

11-21-78   Correctional Counselor states that Susan?s work reports show she is ?dependable, always willing to do extra work and in general, doing an outstanding job.? He also noted that when other inmates became confrontational, Susan did not respond to provocation. He also commended her for remaining disciplinary free.


2-1-79      Lieutenant commends Susan for exceptional work quality.

3-12-79    Occupational Therapist stated that Susan has involved herself ?extensively? with all occupational therapy offered. ?She requires no supervision and frequently is called upon by others for instruction and aid. Susan generally attends both O.T. sessions... though she is on an elective O.T. Program.?

3-15-79    Susan received a Commendation Chrono from the Kitchen Supervisor for her continuous assistance.

4-24-79    PTU Program Administrator states that Susan did not abuse privileges, staff feedback on her behavior was all positive, and that she is ?usually very friendly and cooperative with her dealings with other residents and staff.?

7-79          Susan?s Counselor, in his Report to the Community Release Board, states that he has known Susan for over a year and has had daily contact with her. He claims she ?displays a friendly, cooperative attitude towards staff and peers alike.? ?over all adjustment in PTU has been viewed as excellent.? ?Prognosis... If Susan continues in her present attitude/behavior, she could function as a productive member of the community upon her release to parole.?

7-6-79       1979 Board Hearing

- Faulted for (Institutional behavior) - nothing
- Demands - 1) Remain disciplinary free.

2) Continue involvement in current hobbies.

3) Remain on psychiatric referral

7-27-79    Correctional Counselor commended Susan for not allowing a personal disappointment to effect her behavior and attitude.

10-22-79  CSC Committee states that ?the committee members agree that [Susan?s] behavior on [her housing unit] has been very satisfactory. She has not presented a management problem to staff, instead has been cooperative and friendly in her contacts with staff.?

11-5-79    Occupational Therapist stated that Susan ?has voluntarily assisted other residents with their personal projects. She presents herself in a quiet, mature fashion.? ?Overall Susan has done an excellent job in O.T.?



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